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GUIDES: How to Cook Venison

Should I Grill, Fry or Oven Cook?

  • Grilling: It is not a good idea to grill a steak unless it is very thick or you risk over-cooking it.
  • Frying: Frying is the most controllable way of cooking steak and the preferred method. A mixture of butter and oil is best for frying. Make sure the butter is browned before adding the steak.
  • Oven Cook: Temperatures of ovens vary making it tricky to bake a steak and keep it pink. However, if you are baking a well-done steak in liquid or sauce this is a good method.

The General Technique to Frying a Venison Steak

  1. Add a butter and oil mix and wait until butter is brown then add steak
  2. Brown the steak in the frying pan by letting it sit still until brown then gain heat again. Don’t keep pushing the steak about otherwise you may throw off the water, stopping them browning.
  3. Reduce the heat and part cook them.
  4. Rest the steak to let it relax and finish off cooking. By undercooking the steak and allowing it to rest lets the steak relax, distributing the juices evenly throughout the meat.
  5. Serve up and enjoy

Stir Frying Venison Steak

If you are planning on frying up small chunks of steak first heat up a pan. Once the pan is very hot add the venison chunks and serve immediately after they have all turned brown. Because they are small pieces they do not need resting and relaxing.

How to Cook a Rare, Medium and Well Done Steak:

  • Rare: Brown each side for 1 minute. Slowly fry for 1 minute for every cm (1/2inch) of your steak and rest for the same.
  • Medium: Brown each side for 1 1/2 minutes. Slowly fry for 1 1/2minutes for every cm (1/2inch) of your steak and rest for 1 minute for every cm (1/2inch).
  • Well-Done: This is not recommended but if it is a necessity, use loin steak. Cook it the same as medium steak and leave it to rest for much longer.

Barbecuing Venison Steak

Once your steak is browned find somewhere to rest it. Alternatively, find the coolest part of the BBQ and turn the steak frequently and serve it as soon as it’s done. You can also get some thick foil to wrap it in and leave at the side of the grill to keep warm until ready to serve.

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